Yoga has been very beneficial to me, both physically and mentally. Physically, it has helped me strengthen my lower back muscles and mentally, it has helped me reduce stress. I look forward to my yoga classes because Lynne is always positive and upbeat. Each practice seems to be just what I needed that day.
Janice Carter
Yoga relaxes the body and the mind, improving both physical and mental well being and I have enjoyed practicing yoga at SpringStone... I appreciate the depth of knowledge and commitment the teachers share with their students, teaching those who are just beginning to learn about yoga, as well as intermediate students, and advanced yogis. SpringStone Yoga is a wonderful and comfortable place to learn about and experience the many benefits of yoga
Kathy Steinbruegge
Yoga is the single best thing I do for myself. I am 52 years old and I am a new yogi. I hope to continue doing yoga for the rest of my life.
Since I began taking Yoga 5 years ago, I have learned how much Yoga is related to my life. I am a musician; performer, teacher and director. In this capacity it is my job to listen and train others to listen to the sound they are producing and every day is different. It is the same in Yoga, you learn to listen to your body and every day is different. Just as the environment and mood of the performer can change from day to day and adjustments must be made to make music, practicing Yoga must be adjusted to your body according to what is going on inside and out each day. While the tuning is constantly happening, there is a toning happening within your body structure. This is very subtle but over time it is realized in surprising ways. With me, it was the day I could do a back bend for the first time since I was a child - 45 years ago!
I probably can’t do one every day because of the continuous changes, but it gave me the state of mind not to limit myself of the possibilities of trying to reach for the next option in a pose or trying a new pose. Not only do I get a feeling of well being from Yoga but I feel good and want to keep up that feeling by paying more attention to how I care for myself in everyday life.
Elizabeth Busby
At yoga I regenerate myself from the inside out. It must work, because my husband often responds to my- occasional- negativity with, “You haven’t been to yoga today, have you.” And he’s right; I haven’t. If I can’t find 60 minutes for myself, I’m way too busy for my own good.
Kay Lowe
I haven’t the self-discipline to do much yoga at home and my travel schedule prevents my going to classes as much as I’d like. However, even my irregular yoga practice with Lynne is my anchor in the midst of the hyperactivity that seems to characterize the rest of my life.
Marion Dobbs
My experience with SpringStone yoga has been a very big part of a lifestyle change I consciously made over two years ago. As I approached 50, I was allowing my life to be increasingly dominated by the stresses and anxieties of life. My inability to cope with life’s inevitable struggles in a healthy way was taking its toll; I suffered from aches and pains, chronic insomnia and anxiety. I felt bad, and it was getting worse. As I looked for alternatives to sleep aids and anxiety medications, I wondered if yoga could be helpful. I was not aware of any yoga studio in Rome, so I googled “yoga Rome, Georgia” and the first link that came up was the link to SpringStone Yoga. As if in answer to a prayer, the site listed an introduction to yoga 4 week course starting in a week, and the studio was a 2 minute drive from my house! I was not totally comfortable with the idea, but was eager to try ANYTHING that might improve my situation.
I can honestly say that it has been more helpful than I could have imagined. Lynne is more than just an instructor; she is willing to listen to any concerns, and she cares so much about the health and well-being of her students. When I started the course, she suggested a book on yoga, which I ordered and read. My yoga practice compliments my efforts at strengthening my spiritual life in a significant way. It is impossible to be open to God’s work in your life if you never take the time to actually be quiet, meditate and listen. Yoga gives me that opportunity in class, and it carries over into my everyday life as well. It is asuch a relief to walk into the yoga studio and know that I can give my busy, overworked brain the rest it needs while treating my body to some gentle strengthening and flexibility work.
After two years, I feel better. The chronic knot in my neck and shoulders is gone; I am so much more aware of how I am sitting and standing during the day, and I have learned to relax my shoulders. So much tension that I was carrying in my body has dissipated. I sleep so much better. My daughter tells me that I look more toned, and I know my flexibility has improved. I don’t suffer as much from anxiety and stress. I try to live more fully in the present moment, and I feel more connected to the world around me. I feel happier and more hopeful. J
You could buy a book about yoga or a video and practice at home, but you would be missing out on being a part of a yoga community. You get positive energy from the other members of the class; you feel supported even during the classes when you don’t talk to anyone! I cannot say enough about the support and encouragement that Lynne offers her students. She is trained as a yoga instructor, but she has a real gift for healing and teaching that is rare and has to come from the heart.
Yoga does not have to be a spiritual experience, and it is not geared toward any specific religious belief. It is available to any person who is willing to give it an honest try. At the very least, you will reap physical benefits that are certain to make you feel healthier.
I begin my day with a twenty to thirty minute yoga practice based on asanas learned in class and adapt this to the body I wake up with. A Yin Yoga class at the studio is always a new experience of gentle meditative postures held longer for flexibility and flow of energy, and with Lynne's guidance, props or an alternate pose, this session becomes one of self discovery and inner fulfillment. When possible I attend the Core Fusion class that certainly gives me a workout for core strength, endurance and a much needed self massage always tops the night. By Friday I'm ready for a yoga class with down dogs, staff pose, sun salutations, bridge and a cool down with a restful corpse pose. Every week a different awareness of what my body and mind can accomplish and what is still a challenge yet to be defeated - always a work in progress!
Our sessions are filled with meaningful spiritual moments starting with poetry, proverbs, or just silence, to chanting in unison creating a vibration of love and unity in the room - a wonderful ending to a beautiful beginning all orchestrated by our instructor. I am an advocate of yoga and also sing its praises and benefits to my family and friends, who also have lost their fear of the unknown and have entered a world of self transformation and inner peace in their personal practice. They've also joined me in loving yoga and wouldn't let a day go by without rolling out the mat to find self awareness revealed and face a new day with balance and harmony.
Thank you Springstone Yoga for providing a haven of comfort and serenity for us all…
N. Diaz
I detested being a participant in PE throughout high school and college because I am a klutz. There should be no doubt that athletics are spectator sports for me. However, yoga is for me. I am 65 years old and can move anyway that I need to move and I attribute it to yoga. Yoga is a non-competitive, individual and peace generating sport. The instructor assists you to move correctly. I am amazed that my body can move into the positions that it can move into and get out of them with no hassle. There is a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. I cannot imagine not being able to take yoga regularly. And every day that that I get down on my knees and get up I thank the Lord for allowing me to have the opportunity to take a yoga class. It is that important to my well-being.